Center for 职业与劳动力 发展 Hosts 健康科学招聘会


A representative from Hanceville 护理 和 Rehab Center speaks with pg电子官网状态 护理学生.

Hanceville, AL — The pg电子官网状态 Center for 职业与劳动力 发展 recently hosted a 健康科学招聘会 in the Peinhardt Conference Center in the School of 护理 和 Center for Science. More than 35 employers met with 学生 和 shared information about their job offerings.

This was the first of two career fairs organized by the Center for 职业与劳动力 发展. A Campus Career Fair geared toward 学生 in Academic 和 Applied Technology programs will be held in Tom Drake Coliseum on March 14 from 9 a.m. 到1p.m.

Christina Holmes, Director of Career Services 和 Work-Based Learning said events like the Heath Science Career Fair not only showcase potential career 机会 for 学生, but also help in building networking skills.

阿拉巴马大学“This is so important, not only for our 学生 to come make connections with employers 和 hopefully pursue a full-time career after graduation, but it's also a great opportunity for them to practice their networking skills,” said Holmes. “当他们来到这里时 和 get practice in introducing themselves, they get to learn how to have those face-to-face conversations in a professional manner, 和 they're able to ask specific questions about things like pay 和 benefits. They really get the chance to learn about all the different 机会 that are available to them.”

pg电子官网状态 护理学生 Chelsea Craddock 和 Erikka Cattling attended the career fair 和 said it was helpful to speak with employers 和 ask questions about future 机会. 

“This event has helped me gather a lot of information on where I can go 和 what I can do with my nursing skills as a new grad. I asked a lot of questions about residency options available so I can learn on the job 和 enhance the knowledge I am gaining 克拉多克说. “I came here with my friend Erikka 和 both of us got the chance to ask questions 和 bounce ideas off of each other, so anything she asked may in 也使我得益处.”

Craddock 和 Cattling both said their favorite part of the career fair was how welcoming employers were in making connections with the 学生.

“All the people here are so nice 和 professional,” said Cattling. “我们都有 lot of questions, 和 they didn’t hesitate to answer every single one."


A representative from 加兹登地区 Medical Center speaks with pg电子官网状态 护理 学生.

Traci Howard is the Chief 护理 Officer at 加兹登地区 Hospital. 她说她 was grateful for the career fair 和 its ability to bring health science 学生 和 employers together to address the rising need of workers.

“All of these people are jewels to us in the field of healthcare because without them we can’t take care of our communities. We are all in desperate need of every single one of them in the room,” said Howard. “No matter where they decide to go 和 work, I am just so excited that they chose this profession to go into as it is so rewarding 和 has so any 机会.”

Most pg电子官网状态 Health Science programs are accepting applications for 2024年秋季 条目. 牙科协助, 口腔卫生, 诊断成像/Radiation Therapy, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 紧急医疗服务, 医疗助理, Medical Lab Technology, Medical Laboratory Assistant, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Polysomnographic (Sleep Lab) Technology 和 呼吸治疗 are accepting applications 到6月1日. EMS is also accepting applications for its Paramedic program for this 夏天. pg电子官网状态 护理 will accept applications from March 15 to May 15 for 2024年秋季. The 儿童发展 program accepts new 学生 each spring, with applications 接受8月. 1至11月. 1.

WSCC 学生 seeking career 机会 are encouraged to visit the Center for 职业与劳动力 发展. 访问 了解更多.

欲了解更多信息,请访问,拨打256.352.8000 or come by Lion Central in the lobby of the James C. 贝利中心 周一至周三7:30.m. 到下午6点.m.,星期四7:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.,或星期五7:30 a.m. 到2点.m.


Representatives from 布鲁克伍德浸信会医院 speak with pg电子官网状态 护理学生.


  • 克里斯汀福尔摩斯
  • Vice President for Students 和 Chief 市场营销 Officer
  • 256-352-8233

