的 阿斯彭研究所 Names pg电子官网州立社区学院(阿拉巴马州汉斯维尔.)作为… 获得2025年阿斯彭奖100万美元奖金的决赛选手


的 阿斯彭研究所 named pg电子官网州立社区学院(阿拉巴马州汉斯维尔.)作为… 入围2025年阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖.

Signature Recognition Celebrates 10 High-Achieving 社区 Colleges From Across 这个国家


华盛顿D.C.2024年6月11日 -今天,阿斯本研究所命名 pg电子官网州立社区学院(阿拉巴马州汉斯维尔.) 入围2025年阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖. 100万美元 award is the nation's signature recognition of strong performance among community 大学. 获得这一荣誉的机构在1000多家机构中脱颖而出 community 大学 nationwide as having high 和 improving levels of student success, as well as equitable outcomes for Black 和 Hispanic students 和 those from lower-income 背景.

维姬Karolewics“We are honored to be recognized by the 阿斯彭研究所 among this most elite group of institutions,” said pg电子官网状态 社区 College President 维姬Karolewics. “pg电子官网状态 has been committed to achieving the highest levels of success for our students for many 年, so that students regardless of their 背景 are equipped to enter the workforce in a rewarding career or continue to excel upon transfer to 一所大学. Our recognition reflects the ongoing commitment of our outst和ing faculty 员工,以及我们所服务的社区和学生的支持.”

Awarded every two 年, the 阿斯彭奖 honors 大学 with outst和ing performance in six critical areas: teaching 和 learning, certificate 和 degree completion, transfer 和 bachelor’s attainment, workforce success, broad access to the college 和 its offerings, 和 equitable outcomes for students of color 和 students from low-income 背景. 获奖者将于2025年春天公布.

Josh Wyner, executive director of the 阿斯彭学院大学卓越计划, noted the 阿斯彭奖 finalists not only deserve national recognition, but they also 需要研究和复制他们的成功.

“Working-class Americans are experiencing an economy that seems to be stacked against them, while employers are struggling to find well-prepared workers in fields such as teaching, nursing, software development, welding, 和 advanced manufacturing,” 怀纳说. “10名阿斯彭奖决赛入围者展示了社区学院如何服务 urban 和 rural communities throughout the country can prepare many more graduates 在他们的社区中实现生活和事业. 他们证明了卓越可以 在任何情况下都能联系到他.”


  • 乔治亚州高地学院
  • 加州摩尔帕克学院
  • 东北威斯康辛技术学院
  • 西北维斯塔学院,德克萨斯州
  • 德克萨斯州圣哈辛托学院
  • 佛罗里达塞米诺尔州立学院
  • 南普吉特湾社区学院,华盛顿州
  • 西南威斯康辛技术学院
  • 新泽西州联合县联合学院
  • pg电子官网州立社区学院,阿拉巴马州汉斯维尔

的 阿斯彭奖 selection process began in the summer of 2023 when Aspen analyzed data on 1,000 community 大学 in key areas such as retention, completion, 和 transfer. In October, Aspen invited 150 community 大学 to apply based on data showing high, 提高和公平的学生成功水平. 提交的118份申请 went to a selection committee of 18 higher education experts who assessed each application 基于广泛的数据和对问题的叙述性回答. 以下是对 leadership teams from applicants receiving top scores, 20 semifinalists were selected 并于5月宣布. 委员会继续审查,并将范围缩小到 10位决赛选手.


  • Fall 2024: Multi-day in-person site 访问s to each of 10位决赛选手, during which Aspen 和 partners will collect additional information, 和 additional data collection, including extensive employment 和 earnings data on graduates from the finalist 大学
  • Winter 2025: A distinguished, independent Prize jury will review data 和 qualitative summaries that synthesize each part of the 14-month analyses, then meet for a full 当天将选出获奖者和其他获奖者进行额外表彰
  • April 17, 2025: Announcement of the 阿斯彭奖 winner 和 celebration of 10位决赛选手 在华盛顿特区

欲了解更多有关选拔过程,请访问 http://highered.aspeninstitute.org/aspen-prize/.


阿斯彭奖 is generously funded by Ascendium, the Joyce Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, 和 the 责任的基础.


  • 2023年:阿马里洛学院(TX)和帝国谷学院(CA)
  • 2021年:圣安东尼奥学院
  • 2019年:印第安河州立学院(FL)和迈阿密戴德学院(FL)
  • 2017:湖区技术学院(SD)
  • 2015:圣达菲学院(FL)
  • 2013: Santa Barbara City College (CA) 和 Walla Walla 社区 College (WA)
  • 2011年:瓦伦西亚学院(FL)

Note: Colleges that have won the 阿斯彭奖 are not eligible to apply in subsequent 年

阿斯彭学院大学卓越计划 supports 大学 和 universities in their quest to achieve a higher st和ard of excellence, delivering credentials that unlock life-changing careers 和 strengthen 我们的经济、社会和民主. 我们知道这需要有远见的大学领导 lead scaled, sustainable reforms, 和 we make it our mission to equip them with the knowledge, skills, 和 research-backed tools to inspire change, shift practice, 和 advance the capacity of 大学 to deliver excellent 和 equitable student outcomes. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 我们的网站 跟着我们走 LinkedInX.

阿斯彭研究所 is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to 建立理解,为更美好的世界创造新的可能性. 成立于1949年, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, 和 action to help solve 社会面临的最大挑战. 它的总部设在华盛顿特区,并设有校园 在科罗拉多州的阿斯彭,以及一个国际合作伙伴网络. 欲了解更多信息,请 访问 www.aspeninstitute.org.


pg电子官网州立社区学院.他是阿拉巴马社区学院的成员 System, is a comprehensive community college in north central Alabama offering more than 200 options in academic, health 和 technical programs of study leading to an associate degree, certificate or transfer, as well as workforce-credit training 和 成人教育. 一个实现梦想的领导者学院,由全国认可的 阿斯彭研究所 入围2025年阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖, ranked by Southern 业务 和 Development among the Top 3 institutions in the South for workforce development, named a Center of Excellence by the National League for 护理 和 the National 安全 Administration, rated the Top Online 社区 College in Alabama, a Military Friendly Institution 和 an All-Steinway School, pg电子官网状态 is an outst和ing place for students to pursue their education 和 career goals. 类 are offered online 和 on campus, day, evening 和 on weekends, with numerous start 每年的日期. 参观pg电子官网州立大学美丽的主校区,占地300英亩 在阿拉巴马州的汉斯维尔.我们在阿拉巴马州奥尼昂塔市中心的卫星位置.在网上找到我们 at bazfwc.azarnewsonline.com,或致电256.352.8000.


  • 克里斯汀福尔摩斯
  • 负责学生事务的副总裁兼首席营销官
  • 256-352-8233

